Jumaat, 21 September 2012

How to declutter your house.

Almost everyone that knows me (well) knows that I am an organised ‘freak’. Sometimes to a point that I think my habit falls into one of the Obsessive Compulsive Disorders (OCD) categories. Having said that, it doesn’t mean that my house (err rumah mak bapak I mean) is squeaky clean and perfectly organized like those in Casa Impian (hoi jauh sekali!).

In reality, I too, struggle with decluttering.

I am pretty sure everyone else is having the same problem too (unless korang memang suka hidup dalam semak – timbunan baju kotor, surat khabar berselerak etc.). Decluttering is meant to be a routine, not once in a lifetime ritual. We do it over and over again.

Kemas, bersepah, kemas, bersepah, kemas, bersepah – the cycle goes on sampai infinity.

The difference is the interval between ‘bersepah’ and ‘kemas’. The longer the interval, the harder it is to declutter because we allow the clutters to pile up. That is why a house with an active toddler needs to declutter more frequently, or else toys will be the new ‘carpet’.

And when we give up and let the interval to be a lot longer – that is the start of a disaster!

Here are some of the tips that I adopt (and some I pick up from blogs) 

1. Don’t bring clutter in.

Well, untuk mengurangkan semak, kita kenalah mengelak dari membawa apa jenis semak ke dalam rumah. Prevention is better than cure. The goal is to NOT let any clutters get into the house in the first place.

Bila shopping barang-barang tu, kalau boleh filter dulu item-item yang ada possibility untuk menyemakkan rumah. Contohnya:

Beli kasut, tak perlu bawa balik kotak (unless kotak dia cun and memang kita simpan dalam kotak untuk elak debu)

Kotak colgate, pencuci muka, plastik pembalut atau cardboard tu buang siap-siap sebelum masuk rumah. Kalau bawak masuk rumah pun kita buang kan? Lagi better buang kat tong sampah shopping complex terus (especially yang ada recycling bins) Ha ni memang the ultimate freak! Amekaw!

Kalau tak nak nampak freak sangat, sebelum masuk rumah, buang terus dalam tong sampah luar rumah. Senang bukan?  

2. When leaving a room, always take something with you.

Room here translates into any room hokey. Bukan bilik tidur saja. Kita selalunya bawa barang satu hala. Dari dapur ke ruang tamu. Tapi dari ruang tamu ke dapur agak jarang (especially ayahku hehe). Mungkin tugas perempuan kot untuk membawanya semula ke dapur ehe.

Anyway, contoh lain, bila keluar bilik elakkan tangan kosong, angkut sekali baju kotor atau mug. Dan bila nak masuk bilik, bawa masuk baju yang dah siap dilipat susun terus dalam almari.

Jadikan habit. Susah sikit bukan?

Ala tips je pun, bukan wajib ikut ye tak?

3. Check for duplicates, and deal accordingly (donate/ trash/ stop buying more)

Having multiples of certain items in your home (e.g. plates) can be very helpful. Untuk kenduri contohnya. Tapi having duplicates/ multiples of certain things, can lead to clutters.
Hotel toiletries
Koleksi doorgifts 10 tahun lepas
Koleksi majalah Ujang 15 tahun lepas
dan sebagainya
You may not realize that you have duplicates unless you're actively uncluttering. How ironic! Tu yang kadang stokin hitam sampai ada 8 pasang - we keep buying things that we cannot find. Since they are buried under the clutters.
To avoid multiples we can also have an organised storage system. Get a drawer organizer peeps!
Clothes are among the items that can quickly pile up (much quicker for girls). Simply because we keep buying them. What we should do is have an organised wardrobe (macam dalam iklan Zalora.com) and by monthly inspection. This is the time for you to recheck your wardrobe and decide which one stays, which one goes (bagi adik/ charity/ jadi kain lap).
Tak guna simpan baju-baju yang kita takkan pakai - they take up so much space.
Baju yang jarang pakai (special occasion)/ toto/ extra selimuts we can vacuum-sealed storage bags.

I could kill for a wardrobe like this!!  Everything colour-coded. Tapi mimpi la kan.

4. Get a maid

If everything else fails.

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