Selasa, 28 September 2010

of power distance.

Small vs. large power distance

"How much the less powerful members of institutions and organizations expect and accept that power is distributed unequally. In cultures with small power distance (e.g. Australia, Austria, Denmark, Ireland, Israel, New Zealand), people expect and accept power relations that are more consultative or democratic. People relate to one another more as equals regardless of formal positions. Subordinates are more comfortable with and demand the right to contribute to and critique the decisions of those in power. In cultures with large power distance (e.g. Malaysia), the less powerful accept power relations that are autocratic or paternalistic. Subordinates acknowledge the power of others based on their formal, hierarchical positions. Thus, Small vs. Large Power Distance does not measure or attempt to measure a culture's objective, "real" power distribution, but rather the way people perceive power differences."
p/s: Ah~ no wonder I can seriously feel the difference. Welcome home Farah!

Khamis, 23 September 2010

Welcome to the real world, Farah

Coba tenang seketika
Coba pejam mata
Biar resah hilang saja
Dan coba diamnya bicara

Sediam bersama
Di temani jasad kita
Kan ku cari konklusi
- Mencari konklusi by Hujan

Khamis, 2 September 2010

konsep tawakkal.

Dear friends,

Tawakal itu ialah menetapkan segala keyakinan kita kepada Allah dan semua yang dijanjikan-Nya. Maksudnya, segala apa yang telah Allah tentukan kepada kita, pasti akan kita perolehi, walaupun semua makhluk yang ada di dunia ini cuba menghalangnya. Dan segala apa yang tidak Allah tentukan kepada kita, pasti tidak akan kita perolehi, biarpun seluruh isi alam ini berusaha menolong kita untuk mendapatkannya. - Imam Al Ghazali

It's as simple as that :)