Selasa, 5 Jun 2012

uneasy mind remedy

I must say that my current job puts me into a quite content state of mind Alhamdulillah. Lagi-lagi right now tengah cuti semester, and this week is the final week for us to key in the marks. I still got a bunch of lab reports to be marked, but that should be settled by Thursday the latest. 

Overall, a very relaxed working period for us. 
No class, 
No lectures, 
No lab, 
No need to rush in for 8 am class,
No tunggang langgang siapkan lecture notes.

*Jumps in the air!

But somehow, today ada something went wrong. And I don't feel good about it. 'This' thing could cost my reputation. And I am stressed, worried, scared. You name it. 

When I am stressed, I need to do something to take it away. Or at least take my mind away from thinking about it. I would like to share some of what I did for the past few years when I am dealing with stress. 

Anything related to cleaning, organizing and rearranging. THESE put my mind at ease.

Bila kita stress, memang jelas otak kita serabut. We cannot think straight. We cannot rationalize. Of course I cannot kemas my brain. But I can kemas what I see. And it calms me. 

Here are some of what I did:

1. Basuh toilet

Its a fun thing to tenyeh2 mangkuk tandas tu. Kalau geram kat orang, tenyehhhh lagi kuat! Huh. The result will be a shinier mangkuk tandas. Cam enjoy je buat 'bisnes' lepas tu. 

2. Color-code my dress/ wardrobe

I did this since sekolah asrama lagi. Ada banyak baju kurung nak kena hang. So bila dah color-code cam jadi lawa gile lah.. sedap mata memandang gitu (Tak boleh blah). Dah kata juara loker terceria, ahaks (somebody please spank me).

Nanti if you guys dah color-code, mesti rasa asik nak bukak almari aje. Although takde nak salin baju pun. Hehe.

3. Ubah kedudukan perabot/ stuff on the working desk.

Bila kemas meja, barulah perasan ada banyak sampah rupanya. Banyak pen yg dah takda ink, kertas conteng2 yang not worth keeping etc. Time ni la baru jumpa pen merah yang hilang 2 bulan lepas. Dang, too late. Dah beli pen baru. Padan muka.

4. Organize/ Archiving files (Hardcopy or softcopy)

When I was in my undergraduate study, I love to organize my lecture notes and tutorials. I labelled them according to topics for easy referencing. But today, since I don't have any.. I decided to give my gmail a better, organized, fresher and more awesome look. I labelled my emails! 

And I color-code the emails too! According to folders! 

Although all these might not address your problems, at least you will end up with a cleaner toilet, awesome-looking wardrobe, tidier desk and emails that you would be eager to login to. Hee!!

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