Khamis, 14 Jun 2012

driving barefoot - increased mileage?

*Ini bukan kaki saya

In case anyone hasn't noticed (well a lot of people haven't), I drive barefoot. Since when? Since I can remember (well I only started driving frequently a year ago - and oh time driving test JPJ of course la pakai kasut kan).

There have been a number of times where I got told off for this habit. I tried putting on shoes/ sandals while driving, but it only lasted for a few minutes (sometimes seconds?), as when it is time to brake, I automatically slips the shoes off. Sedar-sedar je dah kaki ayam balik. Ek eh? Fail. (*.*).

So, out of genuine curiosity, I tried researching for valid reasons not to drive barefoot. I know I am not the only one who drives barefoot in this universe. My brother does it as well (or mungkin sebab genetic? :o oh itu kena buat research separate lah pulak). After keletang-keletung dah google semua, I am going to present to you some of the findings.  I cannot publish this in a reliable journal, but this nearly-reliable blog will do. 

Antara kelebihan-kelebihan drive berkaki ayam (dari google) adalah:

1. Better grip and control of pedals

Orang yang pro drive berkasut selalunya akan bagi alasan yang drive berkaki ayam daya tujahan tak kuat, as in takda tambahan force dari kaki nak tekan pedal minyak. Kaki, sepertimana bahagian badan yang lain ada tulang and muscles. Any muscles, if you rarely use them aren't very strong. A barefoot person has much greater control over the car pedals because we can feel them better. Shoes or other footwear cut off that essential tactile sensation (haha over tak?). 

Orang lain tak selesa drive kaki ayam, tapi bagi kami, tak selesa drive berkasut. Analogy nya macam pegang stereng pakai glove, tak selesa kan? (bagi aku la).

2. Is NOT slippery (as opposed to peoples claim)

Kedua, licin? Oh, tak licin langsung. Tak pernah pulak la kaki tergelincir dari pedals. But I am sure ada jenis-jenis kasut yang agak licin, seperti tapak kasut Vincci yang keras dan takda bunga tu ha. Kalau kaki basah memanglah licin, tapi apa bezanya dengan kasut basah? At least your feet dries up quickly. Tapi kalau jenis yang lumur losyen kat tapak kaki tu memanglah licin nyah.

3. Increased mileage (?) hoho

This is news to me too. Tapi tak tau la kesahihannya kan. Quoted from somebody. 
"I can tell you from experience that driving barefoot gives the best feedback from pedals to foot that anyone can achieve. Wearing shoes, I only feel the inside of my shoe. When barefoot, I'm able to use the thousands of nerve endings and dozens of bones, joints and soft tissues in the foot and ankle to add or remove the slightest degree of acceleration or braking that is necessary. With shoes on, much of this sensation and movement is limited or eliminated, and then I must use only larger groups of bones, joints and muscles to make adjustments. Essentially, if you can feel the pedals better and exert only the exact pressure necessary, you will use only the gas you need and save fuel over time.Think of it as kind of very intelligent cruise control."
Intelligent cruise control. Fuyyoh! This particular person has done his own sweet experiment (I doubt the reliability and validity though). You can read it here.

4. Added reflexology

Self-explanatory. Especially untuk pedal bergerigi.

Drawbacks of driving barefoot

1. Hot pedals

Ini kalau parking tempat panas lama, ui mak aih panas gile lah pedals dia. Boleh melecur tapak kaki, rasa cam bertungku pun ada. Pakai kasut selamat sikit.

2. Muddy pedals (if somebody else drove your car beforehand)

I usually keep my pedals clean because of the nature of my driving. Tapi kalau orang lain bawak and kasut berlumpur, memang terasa la pasir-pasirnya. Kalau diorang pijak tahi kucing macam mana oi? (=.=)

3. No fancy shoes

Kalau pakai kasut fancy-fancy or bertali lilit-lilit bagai, payah la pulak asyik nak kena bukak kasut. So I usually end up with slip on shoes ataupun sandal bodo je. Boo!

4. Lenguh if long distance

Well, tipu la kalau tak lenguh kan. Tak tau long term medical effect nya apa. Silap-silap boleh dapat metatarsalgia. Eh? Apa aku merapu ni. 

Aik apesal sama banyak keburukan dan kebaikan ni? Dang. Does not justify anything. Anyway, I'll try to slip on shoes at times, but seriously this habit is really difficult to break. Susah oh! Tapi better la dari tekan break pakai kaki kiri kan? Hehe (you know who you are) :p

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